Taiwan is fighting China, corona and W.H.O.
How did W.H.O. become slave to China? Should we be trusting an organization that has snake in its logo? Why W.H.O. assistant director refuse answering questions asked by a journalist? FYI World health organization is horribly corrupt. So corrupt that recent audit had found that W.H.O. division tackling coronavirus is underfunded and facing internal corruption allegation . U.S. alone contributes about 500 million dollar per year to W.H.O. so where did all this money go? China is totally controlling W.H.O. As everyone knows China considers Taiwan as their own province unlike what rest of the world believes. But W.H.O has refused to recognize country of Taiwan, just because China does. In an interview of W.H.O. assistance director Bruce Aylward with a journalist. He was asked if W.H.O would reconsider Taiwan’s membership? To which W.H.O. assistant director dramatically chooses not to answer, and was very insulting to journalist. He t...