6 wired food Chinese eat

BBC news in February  2019 article (BBC news) had observed the wealth and population link to meat consumption across the world. Where they mentioned that in high income countries with increasing population meat production is also increased, while many of the world's poorest countries eat very little meat. This has been the case for 50 years or more.
Rapidly growing nations like China and Brazil have seen significant economic growth in recent decades, and a large rise in meat consumption.
This is observed in rapidly growing nations like China and Brazil where   we see large rise in meat consumption in recent decades. (the average person in 1960s China consumed less than 5kg a year. By the late 1980s this had risen to 20kg, and in the last few decades this has more than tripled to over 60kg. as per BBC news) similarly  Brazil also had doubled it’s meat consumption since 1990.
 BBC news also said that “India is one notable exception” where average incomes have tripled since 1990, meat consumption hasn't followed suit.

Is meat really that bad for you?

Moderate amount of meat consumption is really good for health and fitness. But when consumption goes far beyond required nutritional benefits and eating becomes hobby can lead to many diseases
In fact, it could be a health risk. Studies have linked excess red and processed meat consumption with increased risk of heart disease, stroke and certain types of cancer.
In today’s article we are going  to look at some wired Chinese food consumptions which was blamed by most of sources to have caused corona and may other virus  in human.

1.     The Balut

A Balut is a fertilized Duck egg which is hatched for about 14 to 21 then boiled or steamed. And are eaten directly from the shell. Balut that is incubated for longer periods have a well-developed embryo and the features of the duckling are recognizable. The partially-developed embryo bones are soft enough to chew and swallow as a whole. the "Pateros duck", is considered to be the most important breed for egg production to make Balut.

2.     Silkworms

Silkworms can be found in local markets cooked several ways or stocked frozen and canned. Chinese-style silkworms are added to stir-fry with your favorite vegetables, soy sauce, and seasonings. Its normally served up with rice or noodles, or the pupae can be deep fried and served with your choice of dipping sauce
Silkworms can be found in local markets cooked several ways or stocked frozen and canned. Chinese-style silkworms are added to stir-fry with your favorite vegetables, soy sauce, and seasonings. Its normally served up with rice or noodles, or the pupae can be deep fried and served with your choice of dipping sauce. If you’re not sold on consuming the insect in your stir fry, you can always start with the sweeter and more tourist-friendly version, chocolate-covered silkworms.

3.       Bird Spit Soup

This famous soup is made from a swiftlet’s actual nest. This small bird is found in Southeast Asia and lives in dark caves like a bat. Their nests are made from their own gummy saliva produced by the glands under their tongue. The nest of saliva hardens as it is exposed to the air.
The common way to cook bird’s nest soup is slowly steaming it after soaking it in water. The texture of the nest is soft like jelly, but it doesn’t have much taste. The taste is not what keeps locals coming back each day for this soup, but it is the benefits that attract the Chinese. If the soup is consumed regularly, it is believed to help maintain youth and promote a healthy life and strong body

4.       Live Scorpions

Live scorpions are sprinkled with seasoning and then dunked into hot oil before being served.
In the cases were live scorpions are served in finer restaurants, they are first dunked in a fine white wine sauce before being fried, providing patrons with what is supposedly a sweet yet . . . crunchy experience.

5.  Live Snakes

Alive snake are a specialties of Chinese chefs. Also this dish is prepared very quickly so that the costumers can eat the snake meat when it still alive and moving.
The chef, faster as he can, cut the head, remove the skin, removed the bowels, in such a way as to eliminate the parasites, cut the meat and serve the raw snake.

6.  Raw alive monkey brain

Raw alive monkey brain is a special dish affordable only by very rich people and is possible to order it only in Guangdong and, once, in  Hong Kong.
The chef puts a live monkey beneath a table with its head poking up through a hole, the costumers then eat its brains while it screams.
This dish is very expensive.
Sometimes costumers that order this dish want to prove their richness and bravery, but many can’ t swallow a single bite.


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