Potential Indo-China war

AS we have seen in previous post rapid growth of China is a big threat to America and it’s superpower title. America is using various strategies to get china’s growth rate in control   but china is too strong to be slowed down. With their fair and unfair business   tactics china is expanding their production and export rate in nearly every sector.

But this is not just war of two countries there are many there are many other countries, some are competing to become superpower and most of them are forced into the battles.

Being 3rd most powerful country lets see how India is competing with these two superpowers.

Same as America is threatened by growth of china,

China is also threatened by growth of India. Hence making India the best allies of America.

China India relations are not as simple as trade war, this battle between china and India is much more dangerous and involves many countries same as world war.

  Even though war doesn’t appear to be close but still both countries are preparing for it. And if war breaks out it can be more dangerous then any war before.

India and china has nearly equal army so any battle on land may not be victory for anyone. Hence china started investing in many other ways to attack India

String of Pearls (In Indian ocean)

The string of pearls is network built by china with many countries such as Maldives, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar which covers India from all sides. This gives china control over India Ocean and advantage in any navy attacks also china has lot better navy then India. 

Within this network. Gwadar Port located in Pakistan is viewed as a major threat to India As Pakistan is a traditional Enemy of India where china can setup overseas naval base and take help of Navy of Pakistan in case of war. From east kyaukpuy port in Myanmar is also viewed as a similar potential threat to India.

Belt and road Initiative (BRI)

First proposed by Chinese president XI Jingping in 2003 BRI has evolved into trans-continental trade and infrastructure network across Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and Caribbean.  Serving 4.4 Billion of people, which is about 65%of worlds population.

BRI consist of a Silk Road Economic belt which goes from china to Europe connecting two continents. (Trains now can travel 12000 Km from Yiwu to London). And maritime silk road joining china and Europe through sea.

BRI aims investing in other countries and making profit mostly for Chinese companies and transporting goods mostly from china.

India’s main concern over BRI is China Pakistan corridor which passes through the region that Pakistan claims to be its own. This also means Pakistan can now get weapons from china at cheaper cost and fund more terrorist activities in India.

India also refused to join BRI due to its lack of transparency and respect and china is okay with it.

  debt-trap by china

As we have seen from all previous posts how big is Chinese economy and how it controls the world through BRI. But here comes the real plan to make other countries their slaves and use them in possible wars against their will.

BRI as China says aims for economic growth of everyone, but in reality, china only cares about themselves and doesn’t show much transparency on this topic. Which could be one of the reason India refused to join BRI

BRI aims investing in other countries and making profit mostly for Chinese companies and transporting goods mostly from china.

Well its nothing bad to use some extra money to spare in developing other needy countries. Plenty of countries do it including America and India. But the reason china is pretending to help others is very different. They are indirectly making poor countries their slaves.  

China gives huge loans to poor countries which they cannot repay, which forces them to surrender their infrastructures such as airports to china for several years. 

To know more about Debt trap and belt road initiative. click here


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