
Showing posts with the label extrovert

Extroverts V/S Introverts V/S Ambivert

There are a lot of myths surrounding the concept of introverts versus extroverts — one of the main is You’re either an extrovert or an introvert . End of story. But reality is a bit more complicated. To understand this concept better we can imagine a spectrum with both ends Being Extroversion and introversion. The way you get and put out energy helps determine where you fall on this spectrum. But you can fall anywhere on this spectrum, not necessarily at one end or the other. The other huge myth? Introverts are shy and extroverts are outgoing. Megan MacCutcheon , LPC, further explains that “people sometimes assume introverts always have social anxiety or dislike being around others while extroverts are always loud and aggressive.  Here in in depth analysis of    this spectrum. Who are extroverted . People who tend to fall near the extrovert end of things draw their energy from the outside world: the people, places, and things around t...

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