Are We Real?

Everyone is obsessed with computer games nowadays. Example pubg- where we can control our player, we can make him move, jump, shoot etc. Just think, what if you are also controlled by someone else?
In 1960, British mathematician John Convey did a project called Conveys game of life. It is a program in which we have to put some conditions initially and according to the rules the simulation set goes on; wherein some pattern suddenly disappears after some period of time (meaning death). And some pattern stays to continue.
Today, whatever game we play are based on this simulation program. The games where we can control the character as per our wish.
So the question arrives, like in game, is simulation everywhere? Are we living in simulation or are we real? Is the universe simulated?
Some scientists say that world is computer simulated and we all living creatures are not biological but are simulated programs.
In the year 2001, Professor of Philosophy, Nick Bostron from Oxford University released a paper- ' Are you living in computer simulation'. There he mentioned we are characters of computer game. It has been described in movies as well.

South African entrepreneur Elon Musk and American Astrophycists Neil Tysan also believed that world is computer simulated. It is also mentioned in Bhagwat Gita where Lord Krishna told Arjun that this world is just an illusion. 
Why should we believe that the world is simulated?
Here are some things... which when we think off, actually makes us feel that the world is may be simulated. 
Let's talk about objective and subjective reality. Subjective reality meaning the things which we can actually see, touch or feel. Objective reality meaning the things which can be seen through our minds. We always believe the things which we can see that they exists. But what about the things which we cannot see or feel? Do they really exists? Molecules, atoms, microbes cannot be seen through naked eyes, but they do exist. They can be seen through microscope. If we relate this, then it is quite possible that there may exist things which cannot be seen. 
What you think is what you become. But how does this happen and why? Why only living creatures are present only on earth? Why there is gravity only on earth? Why there are all essential things on earth which are required by living beings? Why all the things are possible only on earth? As if it is already set like that...for life to exist. 
When you dream while feel the dream you are watching is real and then realise when you wake up that it was just a dream. May be the same thing is happening with us? 
40 years ago our technology was not devloped. Now that the technology has developed so much, just imagine our future. According to experts our computing power doubles every two years. In 1972 game called Pong which is a basic 2-D game. Then Packman in the year 1982 with some better graphics. Then Doom which is a 3-D game. Then Call of Duty which is a high resolution 3-D game. N now all games which are virtual reality. So in 50 years gaming pattern changed so much...just imagine next 50 years. Computers will perform like human brains. 

Some experts say that in coming years there will be machines developed where we can see our past without realising that we r simulated to be in past. We will actually feel we are living there. According to some experts technology might so develop that we may create humans like us in future. So it is quite possible that we are being simulated by someone. May be our post humans? Many believe God has created humans and universe and everything. Is he the one who simulating us?  It seems it is not possible for us to develop technology so much and produce new humans. To run simulation we need codes. We can only do it mathematically. If we reach at that point then may be we won't exist anymore,we may die before we reach that point, says expert. Post humans may react when we are close to running our own simulation.  They won't like it if we reach to them. 

If post humans are controlling our lives, than why there is so much of misery in this world? Some don't get food to eat, house to live, robbery, and so on.... It is same like when we play games we have both joy and suffering.
But why will the post humans simulate us? To learn, or entertainment may be...? Should we change our behaviour because we are simulated just to keep the post humans entertained so that they won't remove us from their game? 
It is impossible to know the objective behind a simulation. Which is why  there is no reason to change our behaviour. 
How far are we from reaching simulation point? Rizwan Virk ; a computer scientist said that we are at a stage 5 out of 10 in technology development. We will reach the simulation point in 100 years. 


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